- Support for All Members -

We strive to be a close community where every person can be themselves. However, for some of us it is still not easy! That’s is why Compass Support Team was created! 

SAM (Support for All Members) Support Team has three focus areas to help everyone feel safe and accepted at TU/e and in Eindhoven.

SAM List

Would you like to discuss LGBTQIA+ related issues with someone? Do you just need to talk and be heard?

At SAM Support Team we are non-professionals, students who went through similar experiences that you have, offering conversation and connection.

SAM LIST listens.

SAM Events

General Compass events can be too large and open for some of us. That’s why private meetings are organized by SAM Support team, so you can share your LGBTQIA+ experiences, talk about (self-)acceptance, coming out and support each other in a safe space. Check the calendar for future SAM events!

All SAM Events are private and everything said during the meetings is confidential.

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Buddy System

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SAM Support Team manages the BUDDY SYSTEM, which is a network of people that can help if you are uncomfortable going to Compass events alone, our aim is that you feel included and welcomed!