Our majority of events are open to all (staff & students), but centered around a LGBTQIA+ theme, with a few reserved for LGBTQIA+ members only.

Glow Walk 2022


Intro Week 2022


Painting event: Happy Hues!


8 Ball Pool with Ichtus, the Christian association.


Trans Visibility Talk, in Hubble.


Goat Hugging event, at the Eigenwijs Boerderij.


Cards Against Humanity during our Hot Choice and chill event.


Online Baking Show Cookalong, during lockdown.


Diversity pub-quiz, on our birthday!


A game of Werewolf during Intro Week 2021, organised by the Intro Committee!


Promotion during Bachelor’s Intro Week 2021, organised by the Intro Committee!


First offline lunch in a while!


Promotion during Bachelor’s Intro Week 2020 - Corona version - .


Celebrating Coming Out Day .


First Drink of the Year, in Hubble.


Promotion during Bachelor’s and Master’s Intro Week, organised by the Intro Committee.


Amsterdam Canal Pride with Mathematics & Computer Sciences Study Association, GEWIS.


Our different events in the past year. Ranges from Label Yourself Drinks to Debate Nights and SexEd!


Our past Monthly Drinks.